Tag: article

black rice vinegar

What is Black rice vinegar ?

What is black rice vinegar? Black rice vinegar is a condiment widely used in Asian cuisine, but especially in Chinese cuisine. Along with red rice vinegar and white rice vinegar, it’s one of the three varieties of rice vinegar. Completely black in color, black rice vinegar has a complex taste, […]

black rice vinegar

What is Shaoxing wine ?

Shaoxing wine is perhaps the most mentioned ingredient on my site that you’ve never heard of (and you let me know in the comments!). If you’ve ever wondered why your homemade Chinese food doesn’t taste like what you’d get in a restaurant, Shaoxing wine is probably the key element you’ve […]

black rice vinegar

What is oyster sauce ?

Oyster sauce is a rich, syrupy sauce used in Chinese cuisine. It’s made from oyster extract, but despite its name, doesn’t taste at all like seafood. Instead, oyster sauce has an earthy, slightly sweet and salty taste. It’s a mixture of boiled oyster juice (which has caramelized), salt and sugar, […]

black rice vinegar

Rice vinegar: what it is and how to use it

What is rice vinegar and where does it come from? Rice vinegar is a type of vinegar made from rice wine and is generally used as a condiment for food, to flavor dishes, and as an ingredient in sauces. It has a sweeter taste than traditional vinegars. It has been […]