
Nem Chua Fried Rice

A delicious fried rice recipe with Nem Chua, the famous Vietnamese charcuterie Ah, Nem Chua, this little Vietnamese charcuterie with its slightly tangy and spicy flavor keeps making waves. Even superior to Chinese sausage, the enthusiasm for this delicacy on the site’s official Facebook group is always amusing to see. […]

Fried Garlic Rice

Garlic is life. And what better way to elevate this divine aromatic than to present it fried in a delicious rice dish? Not only did I just make some beautiful freestyle rhymes, but it’s also simply delicious. Let’s be clear: I didn’t invent anything, this dish is a shameless exact […]

Chinese Chicken Fried Rice

A divine recipe for stir-fried rice with chicken that will have you and your guests completely hooked. I’m often asked what my favorite food is. It’s a question that’s really hard for me to answer, because I honestly operate in phases where I get overwhelmed by an obsession for a […]

Authentic Cantonese Fried Rice

Star of all Chinese restaurants, the secrets of Cantonese fried rice are finally revealed! Although modified to please Western palates, the recipe is traditionally extremely simple. This is one of the characteristics of Cantonese cuisine: complexity in simplicity; we achieve an apparently complex taste with basic ingredients and a very […]

Chinese fried rice

I guarantee that after making this fried rice recipe, you’ll feel guilty at restaurants thinking, “Why did I order this when I know how to make it better, faster, and cheaper?” The double dose of garlic at different cooking levels, as well as the fried onions at the end, guarantee […]